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Response Codes

Stardust's API uses the following HTTP codes and business-specific codes.

400Illegal Parameter
401Wrong Signature
402Authentication Failed
403Signature Expired
404Not Found, the resource is missing
500Internal Error, please try again later
Business-specific Codes
5308Dataset not exists
5509First pool must be distribution
5523Last pool must be completion
5707File cannot be empty
5708File size exceeds 100MB limit
5709File must be in ZIP format
5710File tree misalignment, refer to API docs for correction
5801Project name already exists
5802Project not exists
5836Folder name already exists
5837Not authority to access project
5838Wrong data type
5839Operation item structure error
5840Project manager not exists
5841Workflow structure error
5843Algorithm not available
5844Algorithm Mapping structure error
5845Workflow not exists
  "code": 400,
  "data": null,
  "date": "",
  "message": "Illegal Parameter",
  "requestId": "",
  "success": false
  "code": 404,
  "data": null,
  "date": "",
  "message": "Not Found, the resource is missing",
  "requestId": "",
  "success": false
  "code": 500,
  "data": null,
  "date": "",
  "message": "Internal Error, please try again later",
  "requestId": "",
  "success": false